Thursday, October 9, 2008


The bar was fun last night. For most of the night it was just me and 3 other people. Not a lot of people in my dept drink. It's a shame. I was drinking jack and ginger. Kristen brought peanuts. They were a hit! We wound up sitting at this big table next to these PhD History students. Of course I was the first one to start talking to them. They were really cool. Katherine and I got up to get another drink and started playing this game where we guessed info about this History boy that I thought was cute. I guessed he was from Georgia, his name was Bret, he had a black lab, and went to Colgate for undergrad. I was wrong in 3 of 4. I don't know if he has a black lab...yet. Lol

So I wound up giving my number to him and this other History boy we were talking to. They were pretty interesting and we have a lot in common scholastically. The one we didn't play the guessing game about already texted me 3 times after I got home last night AND called me. I'm either really unforgettable or hes crazy, I am betting on the latter.

Today I woke up at 11:30. Ahhh the beauty of sleeping late. I'm just gonna bum around my apt until Jodette's birthday party tonight.