Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Random Acts of Kindness.

Today I performed a small random act of kindness. It felt really good, even though it was rather minuscule. I was in the computer lab and the computer across from me wasn't working. The girl who sat next to it was repeatedly telling hoards of people who came up to it that it doesn't work. Witnessing this whole thing, I felt really bad for the poor girl and her constant efforts to warn her fellow students of this malfunction. After hearing her say "it doesn't work" upwards of 25 times, I passed by the computer on the way out placing a note on the keyboard saying "let me ease some of your frustration". I walked out of the library thinking that I should do things like this more often.

On another happy note, 2 of my classes ended today. Of course I still have assignments to hand in for each. At least the 'going to class' part is over with. I will be cutting my lab tomorrow because I am on the lovely long island. That's right bitches. If I can find something fun to do tonight I will be spending the night.

Also, I was pretty psyched I caught a port jeff double-decker train.

Derek is fixing up my new blackberry as we speak! I am way elated!