Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

I have really been wanting to go ice skating lately, so I BBM'd Jason and he quickly obliged my idea. There is this new rink at The Museum of Natural History with a Huge lit up polar bear in the middle. We met up there, but unfortunately, the rink was closed for a private party.

So we decided to go to 30 Rock, to do some skating there. It was a mistake to think we could sashay through the massive crowds in times square during this time of year. We felt like cattle, it was ridiculous. We got to see the tree which was nice, minus the people pushing and the baby carriages that kept rolling over my feet. We didn't even get a glimpse of the ice rink. So we decided to just get coffee instead.

It was really nice to hang out with Jason. He is one of my good friends from way back. He just moved into an apartment in Astoria from Hell's Kitchen last week, and he's living solo for the first time, so we talked about that a lot. He does kareoke a lot. I think I wanna go do it next week.

After that holiday delight/mayhem I went back uptown to see Kate perform at the chapel at school. I got to sit with her family and bf who are just awesome people. The show was absolutely beautiful. I forgot how much I love classical music. Something so soothing and exciting about the intricate and complicated parts all coming together to produce a grandeur musical fabric of interwoven sounds. I closed my eyes for much of the performance as chills crawled up and down my back and arms. I can't wait to be a part of this chamber chorus next semester. It will help to fill the void that high school chorus has left me with. I will have to sing alto for once though, which is odd for me. However, I find it more challenging so I am up for it.

The concert ended around 10 and we walked outside and it was SNOWING! The first snow of the season. It was magical. Also, today was the first day that Columbia lit up the trees that line the main walkway. So that was absolutely gorgeous to walk through. Then we all went out to a diner and I went home.

I started reading 'The Shack' yesterday. I can see why my dad likes it so much. He is like Mack, Jean is like Nan, and i was like Missy. It is a really captivating book, however I just got up to the part where Mack meets 'God' or the 'Trinity' and its becoming more of a fictional story than a truth, but I will play along even though I think Mack may be having a psychotic episode. It sure sounds nice though, a trinity involving 2 women and no Caucasians. Young obviously did this to prove the point that 'God' is not the typical image of Dumbledore of Harry Potter or Gandalf of Lord of the Rings.

Regardless of the book's severely christian undertones, I am enjoying it and finding it hard to put down. It has been a while since I was able to read a book for pleasure rather than for purpose.