Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I don't know what it is today. I keep seeing people on campus with huge heads. I don't mean people who think they are really smart, I mean literally; people with big ass heads. I wonder if the anthropological study done on cranial capacity can be assessed here. I mean, it just seems that there are an overwhelming amount of people with big heads here. But if a big skull means a big head, wouldn't elephants be smarter? True they never forget. Maybe it has to do with the proportion of the skull relating to the size of the body. Any thoughts?


Boppy said...

OK, so no, I've never seen any people with really big heads except maybe for Grandpa. But once when your Dad and I went to the raceway out in Riverhead, most of the people out there, (at least back in the 70's) were real low class. I felt kind of skanky. Anyway,We got really high with a bunch of our friends, then we saw a whole family of pin heads, there must have been 5 of them and I found it difficult not to stare.

rogue said...

HAHAHA I don't think you've ever told me that story. I love it! haha