Sunday, November 9, 2008

Blading and Brooklyn.

Yesterday I went roller blading at a rink in Jersey with Crescencio, Kristin and Anna. It was really fun and good exercise. I miss going to United Skates as a kid for birthday parties.

We chowed down on Wendy's before hand in Staten Island. I haven't had Wendy's in forever. I had never been to Staten Island before. I can't believe it's so close to NYC and SO different. And there are rampant turkeys in South Park.

After blading, Crescencio and I got a bottle of champagne and some booze. We watched Hysterical Blindness and went out. I got silly. I haven't been drunk in a while so I thought I should, just for good measure. However, when I woke up this morning I wondered why I do this to myself. Why is it that forgetting shit and making an ass out of myself 'helps' relieve stress?

I hate it when creepy people talk to me on th subway. Its like they think of the dumbest comments just so they can talk to me...I mean I know I am really cool and all, but COME ON!

(As I am reading a book by a French author for Sociological Theory class)
creepy guy #1: Is that book French? Is it in French?

Me: No

him: But look (points to the author's name on the spine)

Me: The author is French but the book is not.

him: Is it History?

Me: No, It's Sociology.


Creepy guy #2: Do you have a dog?

Me: No

him: What's this? ::points to cat hair that's on my bag::

Me: (here's the point where i should have said-NONE OF YOUR GODDAMNED BUSINESS) Cat hair.

him: Oh same thing.


This is for Crescencio:

Woman who hates her life on loudspeaker at roller rink/Eeyore:"Everyone leave the rink, there is a private party at 5. Screw cleaning up, the partie's aready here."

Jersey broads: "Could you hold my hairspray?" "You didn't get the travel size yet?"