Friday, July 10, 2009

Public Option vs. Single Payer

Thursday I went to a healthcare rally outside of Chuck Schumar's office. A bunch of individuals had gotten together to hand in a large number of signatures and make a scene on the street about passing the public option healthcare plan. This plan values the idea that everyone should be supported for less money. The single payer healthcare plan covers everyone, like how it is in places with a social democratic welfare regime.

Paper Tiger is doing a show on the single payer healthcare option, which is the more extreme and more comprehensive option of the two. I interviewed some of the people at the rally. This footage may make it onto the show. It is kind of funny that I got to play the role of reporter.

After that, I visited Carrie and started taking the stride back to the other island. I went and got Thai food with Boppy and figured out how to use Garage Band! I am SO excited! This means that now I can record myself and make a myspace. It is a bit overwhelming, but I am very very pumped to start recording practices and stuff.

After learning how to use Garage Band, I went and visited Smally at work and got a beer. I was tired beyond belief by this point. So next I called it a night.