Monday, May 25, 2009

So Relieved There Are Still Some Good People in This World

WOW. The scariest thing just happened to me. I left my bag with my wallet, i-pod, flight info, and numerous other treasures in the waiting area for the air train. I don't normally do stupid things like this. I rode the air train around in a circle in hopes that someone had brought my bag to the authorities or held onto it to hand back to me. Luckily, by the time I made it around the airport and back to where I had left my bag, this nice, young couple was standing there calling my name and holding my bag. Thank GOD there are still good people in this world.

After my brief encounter with a heavy load of stress, and a session of chipping away at my nail polish, imagining the horrible things my mother would do to me if my belongings were indeed lost; I thought to myself. There is so much that one can find out about someone by looking through their purse. Then I thought about this blog. It's like an open purse or literary news channel of the happenings in my life. Part of me thinks this invasion of privacy is detrimental to personal freedom, however, I continue to post my innermost thoughts for the world to see, if they are so inclined.

This event makes me think about this website
This is where people willingly report what is in their bags. This seems like a sincere violation of privacy where individuals don't know who they are until the contents of their purse is compared with the contents of other purses. Thus this representation of oneself through the contents of their purse (rather than the contents of their brain) is a new commodity of self expression, where one is able to use Cooley's process of the looking glass self to help people define themselves by the commodities provided by their society.