Thursday, May 7, 2009


This morning I awoke at 7am to find out that I didn't have work. That started the day on a good note.

I was really productive on the last paper I am writing. One more day and I should be done.

I went to that meeting for Media Justice Fund/May First to represent paper tiger. I was introduced as 'the newest tiger'. It was really cool to brainstorm and be sort of non hierarchical with people working toward a common cause. My new 'boss' is really sweet and really allows for creativity. This is a sort of outlet where I can be creative, in a way and learn a lot from a variety of different people who are educated and worldly. I am really excited about volunteering/interning/networking/making a difference in the world.

I have just recently gotten this burst of confidence, where I realize that this is a big city and you gotta make yourself stand out in one way or another in order to get ahead in any way.

I think I am gonna make a video about the overmedication of America. Muahaha