Saturday, May 23, 2009

24 Hour Date

After running errands for approximately 8 hours yesterday I met up with Blair to watch Gattaca. He cooked me a delicious dinner and we spent a lovely evening eating waffles on his balcony and watching movies. I proposed that we go to Coney Island today, and he said he was thinking we should do the same thing. Needless to say, when we woke up this morning, we hopped on the F train and got to the beach. It was sunny with the perfect whisper of a breeze. We lounged on the sand and read books, while children lost their parents, people flew kites, tripped over garbage cans, played catch and teasingly danced against the frigid waves. After getting a nice sun burn on the backs of our legs, we walked around and got some pizza, went on the wonder wheel, and got pistachio ice cream. We went for a walk and then found ourselves sprawled out on the sand again, reading. I wont bore you with my increasingly awesome times with him. However, I must say that he keeps me laughing, thinking and smiling. After the backs of our legs were bright enough to provide light to a distant planet we hopped on the train home. Blair kept making fun of all the freaks around us and I kept being oblivious, but catching on after the fact and giggling. We got back to his apt just in time for the clouds to roll in. Then he made me dinner AGAIN and I had to leave. Part of me just wants to hop on a plane with Blair and go somewhere exotic or not, where we can explore and hang out continuously for days...weeks...months... But as all of my girly how-to-get-a-guy handbooks say, it isnt that simple and I have to keep busy and use a formidable amount of forbearance to get what I want. Not that I actually have the time or resources to go on a crazy vaca with him at this stage in my life. Anyway, I am babbling. I am a happy Nico.