Wednesday, June 10, 2009

FIlled with Love and Pee

I am really going to miss that little stinker. I just got rid of Pika, and I am sadder than I thought I would be. A study was done concerning health problems and cat ownership. It was found that a large number of health problems have been presumed to be avoided as a psychological result of owning a cat. However, I suppose if the cat causes more drama then its worth, this statistic cant be true.

I just handed her off to some acquaintances. They seemed like really genuine, cat-loving people. I trust that they will take good care of her. I hope that she never feels lonely enough to want to piss on a bed ever again.

Dear Pika.

You were full of love and all you wanted was my attention. I was too busy to give you the constant affection you so desperately needed. I am sorry that things didn't work out. I love you very much. You helped me through some hard times, and good times, and were a great companion when I lived alone. I am sorry that you didn't quite get along with Edie and Ramoana. And I am also sorry that you are deaf, even though that is not my fault. I will always love you Pikachu. Thank you for cuddling with me when I needed cuddling, sneezing in my face when I least expected it, and dancing on my head early in the AM. You will be missed.

<3 Nicole