Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Smitten Like A Kitten.

Yesterday was a great day. Not a typical snow day, I suppose, however I did cut my first class. I woke up to find out that NYC public school system was cancelled for the first time in 5 years. I looked out my windows and decided that my 'sociology of expertise' class would just have to do without me. I watched 30 rock, wrote a sad excuse for a song, and sang around the apt with Jason. Later on, I hopped on the train cross town/uptown to school for my night class. We discussed 'The Red and The Black'. A great book, though I only read the spark notes. My teacher was impressed with my response paper, as she had made note of it in class, saying that my opinion was defiant and extraordinary. After class, I had to meet with my group for my anthropology of media class. We sat and talked/planned for an hour and a half, and then I had to do some research.

I decided to take a 'pit stop' at 'bluestockings' (one of the book stores I went to with Blair last week) because he told me I could swing by, if I felt like it. We sat and talked and drank hot beverages and got some school work done. Afterward, we got pizza and he talked me into coming over to watch "the wire". I accepted. We had a really lovely night together. He was a perfect gentleman. The more i learn about him, the more I like him.