Monday, March 30, 2009

For The Record

I sent Blair a formal e-mail claiming my intention to stop pursuing him and to initiate a friends only relationship. This will be good. Cause even if he were to break things off with 'her', he would need a readjustment period and I would be some sort of rebound. They have been dating for around 4 years. If him and I are to ever be together, it would have to build upon the friendship which we are building now, and it would have to take place later on, in the future. I guess things would be worse if someone (echem Josh) didn't help me to realize this, and if I kept hooking up with him and romanticizing the idea of 'us'. I am protecting myself. I am being smart about this because I actually DO care a great deal for him, I just really don't want to get hurt.

I am officially back on the market (although I was never really off it to begin with)


Das said...

e mail, for relationships of the future

Susan Walsh said...

Hey, stumbled across your blog and I love it! Very smart and engaging. I blog about relationships in general, stop by and have a look.

Susan Walsh