Friday, March 20, 2009

Ottowans and Pina Coladas

March, 20, 2008
1:39 PM

After our challenging day in town, Boppy made two new friends at the lobby bar while I slept. I met up at dinner with them. They were both lovely ladies from Ottowa (Sara and Maureen). Sara is getting married next week and Maureen was wasted when I met her. We hung out with them the next day, by the pool and we talked a whole bunch. I liked them a whole bunch more than the dumb 17 year olds I met at the bar. They were both 15-20 years older than me. Very wise on womanhood and definitely hilarious and not afraid to talk about silly things. Boppy and I had a lot of fun with them.

Yesterday I started to feel sick, and realized that I hadn't made any bowels for the majority of the trip. I spend the majority of yesterday in bed, drinking virgin pina coladas and taking laxatives, hoping that I could get rid of some of my discomfort. It didn't work. Now I am at the airport, very, very uncomfortable and I am about to get on a plane for the better part of 4 hours, only to arrive home and chug 40 ounces of warm water with sea salt so I can flush out my system. I guess all those drinks and bad buffet food caught up with me. I feel terrible!