Monday, March 2, 2009

Hipsters Vs. Hippies

I feel like hipster's are this generations version of hippies. Just a sociological inference that I came across. The similarities are astounding, I think.

-Both have dirty style-don't shower for days
-Both claim to stand up for liberal and environmental rights
-Both are experimental with drugs
-Both are artistic, and in many cases musicians, or closely follow musicians
-Both wear aviators
-Both are lazy

Ok, maybe this is just what people in their early 20's-early 30's do. But I think the similarities between these two stereotypes are much more profound than say, people of this age group, growing up in the 80's. At least as far as style is concerned.

One major difference I have found, however, is that hipsters are much more narcissistic and image conscious. I guess this goes to show the direction that our society has headed over the years due to an influx of perfected media images imposed upon individuals to get them to obsess more over how they look.

Here they are, the hipster olympics...