Friday, April 17, 2009

Just Friends?

I had a very long and tiresome day yesterday. Class was excellent, I recored some of it simply because I know it was the last day my fave prof would be lecturing and I wanted it to last longer. Haha. There is this really funny part where my prof was talking about giving spankings. I wont even go there in public, but me and Nicole were giggling...a lot. I will miss my very sexy prof's awesome lectures and sassy accent.

After class, I met up with the very inspirational and charismatic Kate. We caught up and she played me her new song. Like all of her songs, I loved it. This is the first time she used the word jesus in a song. A bit surprising for someone who is getting her masters in religion.

After spending hours on my work and miraculously never getting enough of it done, I met up with Blair for pizza. I wont gush over him any more, because after all we are only friends right now, even though I think we both know that there is so much more just waiting beneath the surface.