Tuesday, April 28, 2009


"Jenkem is an alleged hallucinogenic recreational drug composed of noxious gas formed from fermented human feces.[1] In the early and mid-1990s, several reports stated that Jenkem was being used by Zambian street children. In November 2007, anecdotal American media reports gave the impression that Jenkem was a popular drug taking hold with American teenagers. Media reports were characterized by disbelief and distaste for the "grossness" of the phenomenon.[2] Since November 2007, no new reports have appeared to corroborate the early speculations.
Several sources allege that these initial reports were based on a hoax (see section below). David Emery of About.com, popularly noted as an "urban legend guru"[2], concluded that the recent news media reports that Jenkem is gaining a foothold as a substance of abuse among American youth is doubtful and "based on faulty Internet research."[3]"-WIKI

Who thinks Jason and I should do this?