Thursday, September 10, 2009

Swan Boats and Hot Pot.

Yesterday at around 3, Sway and I met up at the end of the green line and took out some paddle boats. There were so many gorgeous views. Sway and I did psychological tests on each other and had a really good time getting to know each other better. After the boats, we walked across the bridge to this cute little area with some artsy shops, farm stands and carnival games. We played this fun little pinballish game and won bubbles and face glittery stickers. We then got some Hot Pot which was amazing. I tried pigs blood! They mix it with rice, into a cube. It actually tasted really gross. As I am sure you can imagine, blood is salty and irony tasting. Afterward, I met sway's parents. They were so cute and saw their apartment. They live on the top two floors of one of the tallest buildings in the area, pretty cool. After hanging out there and playing a little piano, we headed back to Cresensio's where him and Jenna were covering their macbooks with DIY metallic squares. I played some guitar hero 4 with Bernie and we all hung out on the balcony and then I called it a night. I keep having these great days and nights here. This is a truly awesome adventure.