Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I've been feeling lately like everything I do has been done before. It is true, it has. I say things other people have said, I am not original at all. This idea is making me depressed, amongst other things.

1-My knee still hurts from my fall.
2-My credit card is still at the bar.
3-I think I have gingivitis and it hurts.
4-I keep eating too much when I know I have to be in a bathing suit soon (this is a vicious cycle)
5-I am breaking out
6-I am PMSing
7-It's cold
8-I am embarrassed about getting too drunk the other night
9-All I want to do is go shopping, but I can't cause I don't have a job or time for one.
10-I hate how dumb I feel in school a lot of the time.

Tada. Life kinda sucks right now.