Friday, February 6, 2009

Everybody's Gonna Love Today

I LOVE my anthropology class. I love the fact that we have a project to go out and watch a movie. These are the kinds of projects I like to do.

I had another TFA meeting today. This time there was another applicant who was learning more about the program with me. He was really really qualified. After hearing his schpeel on why he is a suitable candidate, I felt much less qualified. Who knows if I will even get in. The whole thing is up in the air right now. I don't even know if I want to do it anymore.

After that, I went to a lecture by Bruno Latour. He is this really important social science writer. He did a free, public lecture on globalism. It was pretty interesting.

My cohort went out after and I got to have a nice long chat with Katherine. She is my saving grace in my department. She really gets me and understands what i am going through on so many levels.

After getting tipsy with the scholars, I went to BCC and got even more tipsy with mes amis. I felt really confident and thus I was starting conversations with random people. Life is just so much better when you're in a good mood and are able to express yourself.

Between dropping my terribly difficult class and picking up 2 classes for no grade/papers, imputing relevant info in my media/anthro class, and talking to Katherine, my outlook has changed drastically within the last few days. I have to say that life is looking a lot better through this lens.