Sunday, February 15, 2009

I Met My Future Husband (JK...Maybe)

After a lovely day, Bruce drove me back to BK and we got some dinner. We laughed a lot. I am really glad we're still friends. Some people have a hard time remaining friends with the ex's or having a non-malicious relationship with them. I find it easy to maintain a platonic relationship with ex's because you gotta be friends first and foremost, so why should that go once you've ventured other arenas of relationshipness?

After a silly, laughter-filled couple of hours with Bruce, he dropped me off at Carrie's, where her and Rose hung pre-gaming before going to our regular couple of neighborhood bars. Sweet ups was adorable decorated with rose petals everywhere. I was in a silly mood, so I was playing with them, throwing them at people, putting them in my eyes, up my nose, taking pictures with them in my hair, etc. Later on, Erik came with construction paper and markers and we all made each other valentines!

After that we went to BCC and Carrie, Rose and I sat at a table and talked about love related things. Carrie said it was typical that us three angsty girls were confessing our hatred for valentines day in such a fashion. I thought it suitable to complain about the opposite sex on such an occasion. Why not give into the silly banter, even though I , myself was in a darling mood. Carrie told us a story about how her grandma met her grandpa. She was in church and a few rows in front of her was a tall, handsome man and even before he turned around so she could see his face, she said, 'this is the man I'm going to marry'. Then he turned around and she was like 'he looks even better from the front'. After that heart-warming story, Carrie saw a cute boy at the bar and she traded seats with me so she could stalk him with her eyes better. Then she said 'that is the man I'm going to marry'. I laughed and picked out a boy sitting in the booth behind me who I thought was cute, and said 'fine! If you are going to marry him, then I am going to marry that guy!'.

Behind us sat a table full of 6 guys, most of whom were pretty attractive. I used to be the kind of girl who would walk up to a group of guys, introduce myself and talk to them about the weather, but for reasons known to me (its cold and I'm busy and grumpy), I haven't been so fearless lately. Carrie complained that she 'lost her game' and that she hasn't gotten any in 6 months. She was bumming out. I tried to pep talk her, but it didn't go very far.

Later on, Erik came and it turned out he knew the guys seated at the table behind us. I went up to him and started dancing and then he introduced me. I started talking to them, and he walked away. Here I was, almost shaking because I haven't entertained random strangers with my winning personality in a while. I found out most of them were from Arkansas, one was from Tennessee and another from New Orleans. Eventually, I got to talking to 'my future husband'. The conversation was quite unusual, about carnivores, vampires and old ladies. After a few minutes, I went back to my friends to keep him wanting more.

After a few minutes, Carrie said she overheard him talking about social work. I was immediately intrigued because that study flows within the vein of sociology. Could we possibly have something in common? Could he be more than a pretty face? Later on, I found myself back at the boys table, where 2 of the Arkansas boys had left, so Carrie and I had room to make moves. I started another conversation with him, and eventually asked what he did. Turns out he is a student at The New School in the school of social research. I almost applied for this! The only reason why I didn't was because I missed the cut off. I couldn't believe my ears. Usually when I meet people in Brooklyn, they are artists or musicians, and NEVER a fellow sociologist. But wait, there's more. I asked him what his concentration was in the field, he said advertisements. HELLO!!? That is a large part of my concentration! In fact, I am writing a paper about advertisements and their impact on consumers this very semester! I was overjoyed, elated, tickled pink, in a state of shock, severely paralyzed, going to throw up, etc. I proceeded to ask him, more questions about the kind of work he does, and proceeded to grow more and more amazed and attracted.

After about 2 minutes, we barely got to talking and his friends wanted to leave. He took my e-mail and said he would contact me. Even if we just talked about school related things, I would be overjoyed. Everyone in the Columbia soc dept is focused on a different area of sociology. I haven't been able to bounce ideas off of someone who is interested in the same aspects of media/sociology. You don't understand how rare I find this sincerely amazing acquaintance to be. I really just couldn't believe my eyes and ears were coming up with this sort of ideal person.

With my luck, he wont e-mail, he has a girlfriend, and he's moving to Australia tomorrow. It's cool. At least he put me in an amazing mood for the rest of the night.