Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pride and Prejudice.

I have to have a good understanding of it by Monday. I must watch it tonight somehow.

I went to Jodettes and Barbies today. Two of my friends apartments which are close enough to my own that I don't visit enough. I like randomly showing up at people's apartments. I would like it if people did that to me more often.

I still feel sick. I feel like its post-nasal-drip. I always get it with the change of seasons. It blows though, right now because I actually want to go out, but I can't because I keep coughing. I think I OD'd on cough syrup.

I must start working on my 5 minute mini lesson for teach for America. I think I am going to teach the difference between there, they're and their and were, where and wear. That should take all of 5 minutes right? I don't know how I am going to do this or if I should even choose this to teach. I just can't think of anything else.

Ugh. I am pretty sure I don't even want to do TFA anymore. But I feel like if I don't, I am going to have to move back home because I will be jobless for a year. There are like no job opportunities right now. I mean, I guess it would be easier to find a job in the city, but its also SO much more competitive. I can't start filling out my application for UC Berkeley until December, so I guess I have a year to waste. Maybe I will see if there are any internships. I need to build up my resume.

Someone told me today that I think too much. I think they must be right. But it's better than thinking too little...right?