Thursday, February 12, 2009


So I think I want to bum around Europe for a few months after I graduate. What better time than now to see the world when I have barely any attachments tying me down. I think I know someone who would watch Pika. I know people who I believe would host me in Ireland, Germany and Norway. If I am lucky, one of them will go to Amsterdam with me. Also, i REALLY want to go to France while i am over there. I thought I knew someone over there, but it turns out he dropped off the face of the planet. Maybe I could see if they have some sort of student deal where you emerge yourself in the language for a month.

I know this whole dream, self-discovery, soul-seeking would take thousands of dollars, but I figure, everyone else is in some sort of debt and they're doing OK. This would be something I would remember for the rest of my life, and something that I may never be able to do again. I have the connections, time and I could have the money, why not? I know this sounds a lot like what I did last summer, but it is different. As I would be gone longer and would be country hopping solo, for the most part. Yeah, I know. Sounds a bit scary. But if and when I get the details ironed out, it just might work.