Sunday, August 16, 2009

Art and Ambien?

Thursday night Carrie and I finally had a chat. It had to be done. We have been a bit on the rocks for most of the summer. I have just been really busy hanging out with an impressive array of people and didn't realize how much she needed/depended on me. I am flattered, I guess. It is nice to be needed. Anyway, I had made plans to go to Sean's and paint/take ambien. I forgot the ambien, so I went over and wanted to paint/collage anyway. He wasn't up for it. He is a fair-weathered artist. He needs to be induced by chemicals in order to feel like being artistic. I ain't down with that, no sir. Anyway, we hung out and watched American Psycho. I don't know what is going on between us, but I think he is cute. I think he might be scared of me cause the last time I slept over I hit him. I don't remember doing so, however. And there has never been a time before when I hit without being asked. I am a little girl trapped in a big girl's body. Anyway, I think I am going to stop hanging out with Sean. We haven't even had sex and its already a little awkward being around him. Oh well, I tried.