I found a really cute Persian on Craigslist. This is my top choice, but they usually aren't found at shelters. About 4 months ago I was really tempted to get a baby seal tipped Persian, but I didn't have $500.
This cat is 3-4 years old. Her name is Bella. Terrible name (no offense Ashley, I would just go with something more original), but you can always change a name. And plus, I hear that blue eyed Persians are likely to go deaf, so it wont matter what I am calling her anyway (lol jk). I am supposed to talk to this woman sometime soon to meet the cat. Hopefully we get along. I don't see myself getting a kitten. She is the same size and age as Lulu.
I was outside earlier, talking to my mom on the phone, and I saw a stray/ferrel cat across the street. I made kissy noises and eventually she came over. I brought out a plate of milk. She didn't drink it. She came up to me and started rubbing up against my leg. It was really cute. Then she nipped me a bit. I believe that she is not ferrel, because or else she wouldn't have come up to me in the first place. She continued to rub up against me, but i didn't want her to nip at me anymore. I went up my steps and she followed. She wanted to come inside. I couldn't get her to stop chasing my tail! Eventually, I made a get away. She continued to sit outside and gaze in my window for about a half hour.
I hope I didn't just entice a whole colony of strays over to my apt. Oh well.
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