Monday, October 27, 2008

Lion Cut at Last!

This morning I went to the vet. I found out that Pika is a mere 7.2 lbs.

I also found out that her eyelids curve inward. This is a usual problem, it is also why Pika likes to close her eyes so much. I can get her surgery to cure this, but I don't know if it is a big enough problem worth fixing. She seems pretty happy.

Also, the vet said that she has nasal problems, which I already knew. This can be cured with surgery as well. Once again, probably not worth fixing. Most Persians have this problem because of their genetics. The smushed face makes for breathing problems. I already knew this.

On a happier note, I found out that she does not have ear mites. Also, the vet said that there are 2 ways to tell if she is deaf. One would be to bang pots and pans. The other would be to bring her to a specialist. I will not do the latter. There is nothing I can do even if she is deaf. Therefore, I will never know, but I am pretty sure she can't hear.

Then Pika got her hair cut. I will take pics. She looks just darling. I put a sweater on her, but she already took it off. She kept trying to walk was cute. I know I am a sadist.

(Pictures soon to come!)