Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Ok, so I was just hanging out in my room in a tank top and underwear. I gave pika a shower in the sink and then went to the bathroom to dry her. Upon coming out of the bathroom, I thought I saw someone outside my window. Freaked out slightly, I assumed it was someone taking out the trash.

10 minutes later, I heard a noise and it looked like the same guy was outside. I went over to the window to make sure it was shut. I saw the guy scurry away and got a little bit more freaked out. Luckily, my apartment has bars on the window, so I feel a bit safer.

10 minutes after that, I saw the same hooded man outside, pushed my blinds to the side and noticed HE WAS WHACKING OFF!!

I guess I need to get shades. I am so grossed out right now. Who knows how long he has been doing this. I guess I asked for it though, dancing around naked with see through shades. I can be so stupid sometimes.

Needless to say, I am scared to look out my window and I am scared to leave my apt at night. Fucking sucks. I am pissed.


ThatGuy said...

That is bullshit. 911 time, especially if it happens again.

rogue said...

I will next time, but I am certain that it wont do anything. :(

ThatGuy said...

yeah, probably right, unfortunately.