Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Postponement and Ice Cream

I woke up this morning and decided to do whatever it took to postpone my TFA interview. The reasons being...

1) I was up half the night coughing. I heard this day-long interview is no joke. I don't think that my 3 hours of drugged up sleep would suffice.

2) I am not sure if I still want to do it. This month long wait period will help me decide.

I sent admissions an e-mail. It is past the cut off for cancellation of interview. However, my letter explains my dilemma. I am sure that they would not want me to come there and get everyone else sick.

I am sure I made the right decision. Especially since I have a 5 page paper due on Thursday that I haven't even started.

Today is my friend Kristin's (from school) birthday. Her 'partner' invited me to a party tonight at a bar in Brooklyn. I really want to go, but I don't know if I should, considering I am sort of playing hookie.

Decisions decisions.

Oh. I had a prophetic dream last night. I dreamt I was with a bunch of people at an ice cream shop. I asked for an ice cream, and the lady gave me this HUGE, multi-flavored, giant-scooped, extra-toppings sundae. I didn't want a huge sundae, I just wanted what everyone else was having. I got really angry, and didn't want to pay for this monstrous ice cream cake, so I stomped out of the store and started crying. It was also raining out, in my dream, so that didn't help. Eventually, I got my normal amount of ice cream and someone else had paid for the ice cream mountain, that was intended for me.

I can interpret this in two ways. But I believe the way that I felt in my dream, is the way that it was truly meant. The ice cream signified work-related things, the amount of effort, time, rewards, and whatnot. I saw myself getting dealt this huge sundae that I was not ready or willing to eat. This signifies TFA, the work is like a huge sundae. A little bit of it would be cool, but to have that whole pile is too much for my stomach, at least right now. If everyone else were getting big sundaes then I would probably want one too. But as for right now, I will stick with the single scoop please. I can eat more ice cream later on in life.