Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fashion Week.

Last night I went to a fashion week party for 'Oak'. They had open bar for a couple of hours. There was a fog machine that emitted peanut butter fumes, a heart shaped disco ball, and loud techno music. We stayed for the free drinks and then went to BCC and then home.

When I got home jason had vicky over and she had some girl on her lap. This girl was a huge bitch and tried to tell me how to boil water in my own home. She thought she was so hot and so fly. Jason and I were texting each other saying how badly we wanted her to leave while she was sitting there. UG.

Afterwards, Jason and I talked to Cresensio on video chat. I can't believe Taiwan has a 13 hour time difference. Oh, Sunday night we took these videos with face masks on ambien. Enjoy!