Saturday, February 21, 2009

Baby, Down on White Street.

Last night PJ, Nick and the gang had a party in their loft. I invited Kristen from LI and her, Carrie and I headed over at around 11. I couldn't believe how many people were there. The whole hallway was filled with random hipster strangers. It was really weird. After a little while, PJ Got pissed because rumor had it, the cops were on their way. The cops never showed up, but I helped them clean up the hallway regardless. PJ was pissed, Nick was drunk, and I kept running out to the hallway with Kristen so we didn't have to stand in that mosh pit of a party. There were 2 kegs and a few people I haven't seen in a while that I really enjoyed seeing. Two of the people I was most excited to see were Mike Del Rio and Cass Dillon. Two summers ago I spent a lot of time with these boys, both of whom make beautiful music. (Check out their myspaces with the links provided, Cass actually played a song with Billy Joel). Anyway, they're both playing a show on Monday at Highland Ballroom, I am just itching to go. I just need somebody to go with.

It was really great to see Kristen. This was the first time she came out to BK to visit me. I forget how vivacious and bubbly she is. She is definitely great company and always puts me in high spirits. Ryry was also there, on a lot of drugs. Last time I talked to him, he went to rehab and was clean for 6 months. I guess old habits die hard.

Carrie and I left kind of early and made a cute video which I am not at liberty to share. I fucking love my wifey. I made cookies and we ate all of them. I feel like a big fatty today. Oh I also painted my door frame red last night. It adds some zest to the apt I think.

Tonight roomie Kristen and her bff Anna are having a post valentines day party. I am stoked. I guess party season is beginning again, after a long and arduous January. Lets see how I fare out with school work. Luckily, I was able to drop one of my classes because my anthropology prof let me take my independent study for 4 credits instead of 3. That should lighten my work load considerably. Yay! I love Brooklyn!

(p.s. Sorry to overwhelm you with pictures of myself and Carrie. I am not that vain, these are just silly and fun, so I can't help myself.)