Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mental Institution.

Did somebody let the crazies out today? Cause I think I ran into a few of them on my way home. This one girl in particular was wearing a pink furry coat, which didn't at all go with her drab business attire, and had a mini tape player or something which she was holding up to her ear, as if she was having a personal conversation with it, huddled in her seat on the subway. A Linkin Park song blasted from its speaker and she sang along with meaningful fervor. I kept trying to read my book, but I could not look away from this girl. Other than that, people were speaking in tongues to themselves, you know, the usual.

-A side note. Class was awesome today. It usually is on Thursdays, but today especially. We started talking about the trajectory of the public sphere according to Habermas. I had never read him before, but he is a big social thinker who designed theories on the transformation of the public sphere dating back to feudalism. I got to talk about my passion in life, which is the pacification of the masses through ideological restraints which are put out in a diverse array mass media forms. I feel smart in this class. This is what I should have been taking classes in all along. Why is it that only one of my classes pinpoints my desire to slander the media?

-Another side note: I am reading Charles Dickens Hard Times. I am only 35 pages in and I already hate it. The title explains it all. I understand the concept, but why must Dickens go on and on about describing dumb things that don't matter? I feel like I am reading the phantom tollbooth. This book needs to make up its mind if it wishes to be a whimsical, childlike fantasy or to use the language of a literary scholar including a panoply of words I have never seen or heard of, even in my advanced academic stage. What the hell!