This morning, I woke up with the beach itch again and went and met up with Carissa, Jake and Nicole. The whole gang was there when we got there and today was even nicer than Friday. You just can't go wrong with that beach. Today I got a free massage by a massage therapist, played with hula hoops, swam a lot in the ocean, laid out in the sun, walked around with a tiny cup to sample all drinks, and got mardi gras beads. I really don't think I could imagine a better, more laid back day.
The only thing that really sucks is that my mom is pissed at me for spending too much money on the credit card. I am in big trouble. I am getting my credit cards taken away for good and being given a budget for all my spendings. I can see how this is gonna be bad (in emergency situations) but I really do need to learn how to budget myself. This will be a big step into that thing...whats it called...adulthood? I need to learn some restraint and responsibility. It is going to be really hard and I am sure that my personality with be altered and i will lose some friends because I will be crankier. Whatever, my life has been high (in the metaphorical sense) lately, and its about time I come back down to the level that normal people function on.
I leave you with a picture of my beloved Nicole. The two of us are often introduced as Nicole squared.
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