Monday, June 15, 2009

You Met Me At A Very Strange Time In My Life

After the bike ride, I dangled around the LES for a bit before returning home to watch my footage. I had talked to B about going to the movies, so we went to see land of the lost. I was expecting it to be horrible because I had read all these bad reviews, but I guess since I had B and popcorn to occupy myself, it wasn't too bad.

Afterward we made our way back to Willburg. The trains haven't been running at night and there is free shuttle service, but it is always SO crowded and annoying. The other day I had to be crammed up on a bus, next to some guy who was obscenely shouting at and about his Puerto Rican girlfriend. And the worst part was that he was complaining about being on the bus. I am sure I wasn't the only one who thought his rants were making his/and all of our predicaments worse.

After getting home to my fur/piss free bedroom, I serenaded B with some of my vocal stylings and played him a recording of the song I am working on with Steph.

After a peaceful sleep, with a nice breeze trickling in, we decided it would be apropos for us to grab some brunch at FADA. Next we went off to PS1 because I had heard of a really good exhibit that I wanted to drag him to. It was pretty interesting and enjoyable and we had a great time wandering through the halls/rooms of PS1, which used to be a public school. I was really excited we got to see the faux swimming pool that they were setting up the last time I was there.

After the museum, we wandered around Queens for a bit and sat out by the water. We talked while melting/bursting into flames and eventually found the subway and got out at Times Square. This is the part of the city we always try to avoid, however, B needed to pick up a few things, and I didn't want our date to end yet, so I tagged along. Also, I hadn't been to Times Square since they stopped allowing cars in. It was really cool to see people lounging in the middle of times square. I kind of like it, and want them to keep it that way.

B and I had a conversation that I needed to have, right in the middle of Times Square, to ensure our privacy and anonymity. It is really funny how you can feel the most alone/private while surrounded by hundreds of people. At one point B said 'You met me at a very strange time in my life" and immediately, I thought of this scene from Fight Club. Epic.