Friday, June 5, 2009

Berkeley Squared

Wednesday we went to Berkeley to take the tour. The tour guide was a Soc student. I asked him a few questions and we bounced. I have been doubting my prospective place at Berkeley. Nonetheless, I didn't need to take the whole tour, as the campus is SO huge. Me and Boppy walked around Berkeley for a few hours. I decided that Berkeley is the equivalent of SF's Brooklyn.

After a lovely day walking around the beautiful campus, I we met up with Michelle for dinner in the ghetto, at this place which is supposedly the best place to get Vietnamese food in the city. Then Boppy parted ways and Mich and I went back to her place and met up with roomie/friends and went out to a bar where there was a kick-ass live band. After that, Mich and I went to this speakeasy near my hotel. It is top secret and you need reservations and a password to get in. Pretty cool.