Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kitten Emergency

Last night Nicole found 2 kittens in a box, covered in shit on a main road. She saw some dude walk up to the box, which the kittens were crawling out of, and put them back in the box and walked away. Nicole took the kittens home and rinsed them off. I swung by after my meeting to play with these adorable little fluff balls. Nicole has a dog, so they couldn't keep the kittens at the apartment, so we thought of people to come and take them off their hands. Luckily, both of these adorable kittens were taken to new homes by the end of the night. I could never just randomly adopt a kitten. It took months of researching to realize I wanted a cat. But I am really happy there are enough spontaneous, kitten-loving people out there to take care of these 2 kittens whose lives were in jeopardy.

On another note. Pikachu keeps peeing on my bed. It's really been getting on my nerves. What am I going to do in the future when I have a boyfriend who I want to sleep over? I will feel bad for avoiding my cat to sleep at his house but I am sure, no one will want to tolerate the pee stench of an adorable kitty that isn't their own. I really don't want to get rid of her because I love her so much, and she really is such a sweet cat. I just wish I knew what was wrong with her.

P.S. right on cue, once I finished writing this post. Pikachu peed on my bed. UGHHHH