Sunday, May 3, 2009

Carrie's Back!

Which means, back with the mayhem. I spent 4 1/2 hours on work today. Then I went to sell back some of my wares at Buffalo. I was sure they would accept everything, however they only took my 2 pairs of shoes. I made minimal money/store credit. I got 2 new pairs of shoes, a tank top, some sick shorts that are a size 9! However, the other skirts I tried on were size 11 and 13 and were too tight. But the size 9s are slammin.

I met up with Rose for mexican. It was glorious. I love that girl. She is on top of her game, doing amazing things for herself. So dedicated. We drank a few margaritas and wound up in the park. Her and I read aloud the last 2 chapters of the first Harry Potter book. It was hilarious. I really enjoy doing the accents. It makes me feel silly and free like a child.

After that, I came home and got ready for Carrie to pick me up. I danced around my apartment a lot. She came, we went to BCC, i drank a few slushies. Then we went to Sweet ups...hit up legion for a sec, and then back to sweet ups with Damon and crew. It;s been a while since a night like this happened, where I could go out and b awake all hours of the night. I figured it would be in my best interest to take the day off tomorrow, cause I can. It's 6:28 and I still haven't slept. After leaving sweet ups, Carrie and Jeff came back to my place and Jeff did a shotgun. see video. Um i think its safe to say that I haven't had a night like this in ages, and im psyched for summer. lol Jeff was gonna sleep in my bed with me, and then caught pika in the act of marking her territory, now he's in Jason's bed with Carrie.