Sunday, April 26, 2009

Honey Roasted Choice Cun*s

Last night I went to a lezzie party with Lisa and Vala. They met up by my apt and then we walked all the way to Bedford. Open bar was nice, I started talking to this girl and she bought me flowers. Gorgeous white roses. That was really nice of her. I think every girl deserves a dozen roses every once in a while. Am I being selfish because I took the flowers and not her number? I mean, you cant go buy a girl flowers and expect her to go home with you because of it, right?

I guess thats the difference between dating women and men. Men expect too much and when they don't get it, they get angry. As far as I am concerned, this girl just wanted to let me know that I am special. I don't think she expected anything out of it. But then again, how would I know?


Turbo said...

That's a pretty funny story. I like the new look, for your page.