Tuesday, April 21, 2009

1984 Apple Commercial

I was doing research for my dystopian literature paper, and came across this advertisement. Aired only once during the 1984 superbowl, this commerical depicts the social world of 1984. Its purpose is to extinguish the world of 1984 with the innovation of macintosh. I really like the commercial, however I think it is somewhat misdirected. Computers do not really give us less surveillance and brainwashing, if anything they aid in increasing the amount of monitoring of individuals. This can be seen in the log kept by google of previous searches, and facebook's ability to market to individuals due to their past/recent activity. Thoughts?


Das said...

yea this one i have in the archives... if you want something else that you would remember too, check out the old "att you will" commercials on google. because one day we will be able to check out a book... on the INTERNET lol

rogue said...

can you send me a link?