Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bad Student

I didn't read a book that I am supposed to have read for my favorite class tomorrow. Up until now, I can say that I have faithfully made a point of reading all my homework. This book was impossible to find, and my teacher switched the date for the reading, disallowing me to receive the book on time from The only way that I can red it is through EBOOKS, but reading a 400 page book on the computer screen isn't an option. I refuse to read this book. It is not my fault.

I got my cap and gown today AND I ordered a class ring. I can't believe its almost over.

P.S. I know you are sick of hearing about my drinking escapades, but I went out with the girls last night and had a really good night. It was a much needed bitch-fest. Even though I have been hung over and nauseous all day, I find that I have been smiling and giggling to myself recounting funny things that were said or done last night.


Das said...

giant F'in banner OMGZ