Saturday, January 17, 2009


Here I am, back home. There is a ridiculous blanket of snow over everything. I can't wait to get back to Brooklyn. I miss it. I miss my cat. I miss my roomies.

I had my phone interview today for Teach for America and I believe it went wonderfully.The guy who interviewed me was really cool and actually taught in the Bronx. He gave me his e-mail just in case I had any further questions and he said we could go get coffee, which is cool too. I am pretty sure from his response that the next step towards TFA is in the bag.

I had a really great time last night. First I went to go pick up Lulu at Jennifer's and she and I talked about the Twilight series and then I met up with Caleb and we wound up drinking a lot and talking a lot. I found out his gf of like 5 years has my birthday and that Caleb knows like 4 other people with my birthday. I need to meet these wonderful people!

Anyway, today its snowing and I just want to eat everything because of my oral fixation. Wohoo.
