Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I had a really weird dream last night. I was in a hospital bed, but it was more of a communal hospital room. I didn't know why I was there. For most of the dream, I was trying to get out because I felt fine and didn't feel like going back to sleep (all the nurses kept telling me to go back to sleep). Then later, my mom comes in and says that I am there because Hillary Clinton died because of epilepsy and that I had epilepsy and that I had to spend the rest of my life in a hospital undergoing tests. In the dream, death felt like a welcoming experience. Then, my friend Sean (from Dowling, who has epilepsy) comes in and saves me. He says that he has had epilepsy his whole life and he's still alive. After I get out of the hospital, I wake up. These were all just irrational fears. I remember this dream feeling so real and really hating the people who were keeping me there.

I wonder what this could mean I was thinking about.