Shortly after I wrote that last post, I decided to go to Strand. Strand, for those of you who don't know, is a HUGE new, used and rare book store located a mere 2 blocks from union square. I had never been there before, but heard it had great prices on books and I knew of 8 classic novels I have to read for next semester, so I figured it was prime time.
I was like a fat kid in a candy shoppe. They had angelic music playing in the background, which added to my truly holy experience. Their slogan is that they have more than 8 miles of books. I don't know if they mean their store is that big or if you lined up all the books it would lay out to be 18 miles. Either way, it's impressive.
After that, I continued out to Brooklyn. Carrie and I hung around the apartment for a few hours with Nicole and Jen and a couple of her friends. We ordered food and watched bad tv, as per usual.
We went to sweet ups, then BCC, another usual plan. BCC was having a moustache party. So basically, me and Carrie walked into a room full of dudes with moustaches lol. They had a raffle give away and we befriended the winner before he won, so he got us drinks. Then some other friends came and bought us more drinks.
I tried this 'pickle shot' It is a shot of whiskey and then a shot of pickle juice. It was actually pretty good. I was super wary about it first, though.
Then Carrie and I pigged out and went to bed. I need to stop eating so much so late at night. It makes me feel like crap in the morning. I don't do it unless if I am drikning though, but does that make it right?
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