Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Two-timing Bitch

So. Philip just told me he doesn't want to see me anymore. He said there are no bad feelings, but I feel like that is impossible. He broke it off with me because I slept with Abhi. They are friends, but i have never hung out with the 2 of them together. I guess that makes me a two-timing bitch. We had an open relationship, and Philip knew I was seeing other people. I wasn't sleeping with him or anything but we had good times together. I am mostly sad because I lost a friend. It is so hard to keep people in my life here sometimes because I want everyone to be so close to me, since I don't have family or close friends here and if I do, they are very sparse. It is kind of sad. I broke things off with Abhi last week but we are still friends. I can just imagine what that lot says about me behind my back. I suppose I deserve it. I have been a bit of a slut. I mean, I like having friends with benefits. Its hard to know where to draw the line sometimes. Obviously if things were going anywhere with Phil, I would not feel the urge to sleep with other people, so maybe this is for the best. But part of me wishes I never got that close with him in the first place, so that he wouldn't be hurt. Luckily I still have Frankie, who I actually am really into. She is the reason why I stopped sleeping with Abhi. I met a new guy this weekend in New Plymouth, Matt. Well see where this one goes. I only have a month left...how much more damage can I do? I am just awful at the dating game. I think I need to cool off for a while.